#Wear orange
Since 1989, we have been rocking orange to help promote infertility awareness. Join the orange movement on Wednesday, April 23rd and rock your ORANGE gear to show you support of National Infertility Awareness Week®. #WearOrange Campaign was created by RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association to help raise awareness about the importance of empowering you in your journey and changing the conversation around infertility. Whether it’s you, or someone you know who struggles to build a family, #WearOrange!
“Orange” you glad you’re not alone?
Why orange?
The color orange promotes a sense of wellness, emotional energy to be shared: compassion, passion, and warmth. Helps to recover from disappointments, a wounded heart, or a blow to one’s pride. Studies show that orange can create a heightened sense of activity, increased socialization, boost in aspiration, contentment, assurance, confidence and understanding.
RESOLVE uses orange to raise awareness, increase activity around an important movement, and remind our community every day that RESOLVE is there for them during the disappointments while educating and promoting physical and emotional wellness.

Get creative
​Orange-y ideas. It can be as simple as an orange shirt or other items like orange socks, orange lipstick, an orange ribbon, paint your nails orange or even go big with a boa! Whatever you chose will be perfect as long as it is… you guessed it, orange. We want to see your orange!
Take a selfie and tag @resolveorg using the hashtag #WearOrange
Light it up Orange. Consider reaching out to your local community landmarks, businesses or even your own home, and light it up orange! You can find orange light bulbs on Amazon here.
Just be sure to take a picture and tag @resolveorg using the
hashtag #LightItUpOrange.
Go Orange at Work. Ask your employer if the company can sponsor you with an Orange Day – employees who donate $10 to RESOLVE can wear jeans and something orange to work on a special day.
Download social media images
Click on the image or the button below to download the full image kit!